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UTI, also known as bladder infection is one of the most common infections among women. Basically, an infection in any part of the urinary system leads to UTI. Urinary system includes – kidneys, ureter, bladder, and urethra. The UTI can happen in any of these areas however most common are urethra and bladder.
Urinary Tract Infection is a serious health problem affecting millions of people every year. According to the latest data, as many as 10 million people are suffering from UTI each year in India alone. This is alarming and the fact is UTI is the second most common type of infection in the human body. Around 50-60% of women experience Urinary Tract Infection at least once in their lifetime.
The key reason behind Urinary Tract Infection is often time we have been told to wipe from front to back after using the bathroom. This may look like a small deal but actually, it makes a huge difference. There are lots of bacteria’s present in large intestine such as E. coli. When you wipe from back to front these bacteria’s are in perfect condition to escape from anus and land into the urethra. From urethra, if not treated on time they can travel up to the bladder and ultimately affecting kidneys. All women are at risk of developing Urinary Tract Infection because of their anatomy specifically close proximity of urethra to the anus.
In small children the use of diapers is very is a very common practice. Not changing regularly can lead to the transfer of the bacteria’s present in stool to transfer to urethra especially in small girls. If you are a parent, make sure to keep regularly change the diapers to avoid such mistakes.
In older children, improper cleaning and not maintaining proper hygiene can be another cause of Urinary Tract Infection. Long intervals between urination weaken the urethra and it becomes easier for bacteria’s to affect the area.
Drinking less water is another big cause of Urinary Tract Infection. When you don’t drink water regularly, body doesn’t generate much urine. In such situation, there are high chances the bacteria’s would start moving upward from urethra to bladder and ultimate hitting the kidneys.
Signs and Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection:
- A strong and persistent urge to urinate even though little comes out when you do.
- Burning sensation while urination.
- Pain in your back or lower abdomen.
- Dark and strong-smelling urine.
- Feeling exhausted.
How to Prevent Urinary Tract Infection?
Although there is no proven way to prevent Urinary Tract Infection however following preventions would be highly effective in order to manage and cure Urinary Tract Infection over time:
- Drink plenty of water to flush out bacteria’s out of the urinary system. Average adult women should consume 2.7 liters of water every day.
- After urination, wipe in from to back direction i.e., from the vagina to the anus in order to deliberately avoid moving bacteria’s from the anus.
- To avoid any bacteria to enter in your urinary system during sex, have plenty of water before and after.
- If any particular condom is causing irritation, ask your spouse to change the brand. Sometimes the chemicals present in condom react badly with the urethra.
- Avoid using tight clothes. This can cause irritation in the tissues by trapping head and promote bacteria’s to grow at a faster pace.
- Use cotton undergarment.
- Consume foods rich in vitamin c such as citrus fruits, juices, amla etc. Vitamin C is highly effective in fighting with bacteria’s.