How Does Homeopathy Help in Treating Influenza?

Treating Insomnia With Homeopathy – Dr. Suresh G.
It is a common notion that homeopathic medicines act very slow. Unlikely homeopathic medicines can act as quickly or as better as painkillers or antibiotics. Well, first we need to understand that there are acute and chronic ailments. Acute means having the duration of since 1 hour to it can be 2 to 3 days or it can be at the most 1 weeks’ time. So in these conditions the medicines which are prescribed in homeopathy, thee medicines can work for few minutes or within 24 hours, you can see the relief in the acute ailments, whereas in chronic, the ailments which is having more than 1 week or 3 months or much much longer. So in such cases, it is due to the nature of the chronic disease that the medicines do take time to start acting like if you have a migraine since 10 years, you can’t expect it to go away day. So same way in such cases it will take 1 week to 1 months’ time to act, but it can definitely see the changes much quicker than the other medications and believe it or not, these medicines are completely safe and natural and it can treat completely without any side effects.