The Homeopathic medicines and treatments are cheaper and totally free of detrimental side effects.

This is a system of alternative medicine, that was developed by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, over 250 years, ago in Germany. He was primarily an Allopathic physician. After 25 years of constant practice he was disillusioned, with the harmful side effects of Allopathic medicines, where permanent cure eluded in many cases, when used even for minor ailments. Hence, he invented remedies derived from Natural sources, various flora, fauna, roots and shoots etc. With extensive clinical research, experiments and meticulous recording of observations and results , he laid down some fundamental principles for alternative treatments and formulated compositions, which were easily dispensable, gentle on human organs and natural, harmless and curative, known as Homeopathy.
- Hahnemann and his contemporaries developed this science into a Globally accepted stream of alternative medicine.
- Though this originated in Germany, it has become extremely popular all over the world, especially in India.
- Presently HOMEOPATHY is the SECOND LARGEST system of medicines, according to a report published by WHO.
- The Homeopathy has evolved over recent years, into an effective, hybrid form of treatment, encompassing ordinary cold to Cancer, and once incurable diseases like Kidney, Liver, Heart ailments, Infertility etc.
- This system of medicine can be safely taken by all age groups, in human beings, as well as is dispensed, even to animals like domestic pets etc.
- These medicines work acting like valves, in a holistic manner, only targeting the diagnoised diseases and disabilities, without having any side effects or impact elsewhere.
- Nowadays more and more people are opting for this form of medicine, in view of it being safe from adverse side effects and also as the Homeopathic research has created faster cures, unlike in the olden days, when this treatment was blamed to have comparatively slow impact.