Treating Insomnia With Homeopathy – Dr. Suresh G.
Anal fistula is an abnormal passage or a tissue developed between anal opening and to the surrounding area that is to the lower part of the buttocks. Most often what happens is the sphincters around the anus and the glands around the anus, it gets infected and the glands get blocked and then the passage is developed, due to which, first it will start with a boil and then there will be a discharge, either a pus, or blood or water form that. It is a very painful condition where the patient is not able to sit or not able to withstand the pain. In most conventional treatments, they start with antibiotics and it gets better but again, recurrence is more common. So then the surgeon will advise for the surgery. That is the only option we have. In homeopathy, we have excellent results in treating anal fistula, where we can treat symptomatically. First, clear the boil or the abscess or the pus formation and relieve the pain and in long run, it will prevent completely and cure permanently and without any recurrence and without causing any side effects as in most cases, surgery is avoided.